CME Credits – 2025 Annual Meeting

Claiming Credit

Registered attendees will receive a link to claim credits after the meeting has ended.

After having completed the activity and its associated evaluations, you will need to claim credit by selecting the AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ option. You will also have the opportunity to claim MOCA points. For physicians who select the MOCA option, this information will be transmitted automatically to the ACCME for verification of MOC points with the ABA.

If you are a nonphysician who is not eligible to earn AMA PRA Category 1™ credits, you will have the opportunity to claim proof of participation in Continuing Education (CE) and earn contact hours.

You can claim CME for this activity for up to 60 days after the live event (i.e., no later than 22-MAY-2024).

Activity Overview

Findings from new research and the evolution of anesthesiology practice based on emerging evidence create an inherent gap between existing practice and new practice models. The purpose of the  Annual Meeting is to provide an evidence-based and clinically oriented educational activity that will improve competence and performance in the anesthesiology specialty, resulting in improved patient care and outcomes.

Target Audience

This activity is designed for anesthesiologists, anesthesiologists-in-training, anesthesia investigators, and allied health professionals who conduct research, practice, or intend to practice in any area of general anesthesia, subspecialty anesthesia, or pain management.

Learning Objectives

After having completed this activity, you will be able to :

  1. Describe the latest developments in critical care, perioperative medicine, pain management, and other anesthesiology subspecialty areas.
  2. Evaluate gaps in their knowledge, behavior, and patient outcomes that may result in a need for additional education and
  3. Develop and apply strategies for integrating new knowledge and behaviors into their professional

Credit Designation Statement

Coming soon.

Accreditation Statement

The International Anesthesia Research Society is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.


Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology Program® (MOCA®)


Coming soon.